Results for Fitness Blender Giveaway - July 10

We are very proud to announce the winners of this week’s Fitness Blender (+PowerBlock Dumbbells!) Giveaway.

Our “grand prize” winner, of a $300 certificate from PowerBlock Dumbbells, is April H (amhansen9). Huge thank you to Power Blocks for providing such a wonderful prize!

Winners of a free Fitness Blender Workout Program are: Saskia Diva K (saskiadems) and Brianlee2 (brianlee2).

Congratulations April, Saskia, and Brian! We’ll be reaching to you directly.

To everyone else, thank you so much for participating in this week’s giveaway. We received so many wonderful answers, which we are definitely going to be using as we look to make improvements to Fitness Blender in the coming months.

Check back here on the Community page often - there are so many interesting conversations going on, and new features we’ll be working on (and releasing)!
