Results for Fitness Blender Giveaway - June 19

This week’s Fitness Blender Giveaway is complete - and the winners have been chosen!

Before we get to the winners, however, we wanted to say how much we enjoyed reading all of the responses. Well, “enjoyed” may be the wrong word...we empathized, understood, appreciated, sympathized, and otherwise commiserated. This week’s question was tough.

Nutrition and good food choices are very hard. Very hard. There are so many things going on in our lives, so many distractions, temptations, and pressures. We want to do everything we can to help, so if there are things you’d like to see from us on food and nutrition, just ask.

Anyway, since you’re all really waiting to find out who this week’s winners are - here they are - Eva Pi, Teyebeh B, and Marissa P!

Congratulations to each of you; we’ll be reaching out by email to ask which Workout Program you’d like!

P.S. And speaking of Workout Programs, did you see that a new one - FB Blend - is dropping on Sunday? We’re so excited for you to see it!